Saying “No” Doesn’t Make You A B*tch

I want to remind women everywhere that saying “No” is your right. It does not need justification. It does not need an excuse. It does not need sugar coating.

If you don’t want to take that coffee meeting, say “No.” If you don’t want to go on that date, say “No.” If you don’t want to hang out with that annoying friend who only takes and never gives, say “No.” (Why are you still even friends with them?) If you don’t want to take on the extra task that someone threw on you last minute, say “No.”

What saying “No” does NOT do:

No does not make you a bitch

No does not mean you are impolite

No” will not insult them (and if it does, thank you, next.)

When you start saying “No,” you’ll find

“No” saves you time

No” helps you prioritize things and people that actually matter

No increases your energy and mood

No teaches you to value ‘me-time’

No” builds your confidence

Don’t get stuck in the fear of saying “No.” Your time and energy are your most valuable assets and shouldn’t have been given away that easily in the first place.

So here are some easy ways to say “No” so you can mix it up. But make no mistake, at the end of the day, the one word is enough. Have fun!


No thank you. 

Don’t want to.

Prefer not to.


Not for me. 

Mmm... no.

Thank you, next.



A Love Letter


The Soul-Crushing Weight of Trying to Be “Practical”