You’re a visionary woman with a powerful mission and a deep desire to create lasting wealth, impact, freedom…



“A woman steps into her full power not when she is finally given permission to do so, but when she realizes she never needed it in the first place.”

Welcome to The Empress Accelerator

The Empress Accelerator is your invitation to step into a new era—where your business becomes an extension of your soul’s purpose, and where you are fully supported in bringing your most authentic and powerful self to the forefront. This is where you transform, not just as a businesswoman, but as an Empress—fully embodied, aligned, and empowered.

This isn’t just another business coaching program. It’s a transformational 3-month journey for visionary women like you—women ready to birth their empire from a place of deep alignment, purpose, and power. This is where strategy meets soul, and where you’ll build a business that reflects who you are and generates the wealth you deserve.

This is for the woman who craves more than just success.

It’s for the woman who craves alignment—a business that resonates deeply with her soul and brings in meaningful revenue.

You’ve felt the pull to create something impactful, to build an empire that reflects the fullness of who you are.

You know there’s more out there for you, and you’re ready to step into it.

You’re done with the hustle, the grind, and the constant need to prove yourself. You’re ready to create from a place of joy, abundance, and authenticity.

You’re ready to embrace your feminine power and build something that’s not just successful, but soul-aligned.

Most importantly, you’re ready to build real wealth—wealth that flows effortlessly and aligns with your true purpose.

I’ve walked this path, and now I’m here to guide you on yours.

Are you ready?


The Empress Accelerator is For you If…

  • You’re ready to embody the CEO you know you’re meant to be: No more hiding, no more playing small. It’s time to step fully into your power, embrace your feminine energy, and let the world see the real you.

  • You crave a business that is deeply aligned with your soul’s calling: You’re done with the hustle-for-the-sake-of-hustle mentality. You want to create a business and offer that feels authentic, fulfilling, and impactful.

  • You’re ready to build a powerful authentic personal brand: It’s time to refine and elevate your story, your message, and your presence so that everything you put into the world is a true extension of your highest self.

  • You’re ready to grow on social and become a thought leader in your space: Time to grow and attract your dream customers, stakeholders, and investors through creating powerful content on social.

  • You desire to build your empire from a place of true alignment and joy: Imagine building your empire not from a place of burnout or struggle but from a place of ease, flow, and deep fulfillment.

What you’ll gain from the Empress Accelerator:

By the end of this journey, you will have:

  • A Signature Personal Brand: Aligned with who you are and who you’re becoming, allowing you to attract soul-aligned clients and opportunities effortlessly.

  • A Signature Offer: That’s not just profitable but deeply satisfying because it’s birthed from your true essence.

  • Become a Thought Leader in Your Space: That speaks directly to the hearts of those you’re meant to serve, positioning you as a leader in your field.

  • A Signature Story: Craft a powerful narrative that can form the basis of your future TED Talk or keynote speech, establishing your authority and resonating deeply with your audience.

  • Unshakeable Confidence: Step into every opportunity with the confidence that comes from knowing who you are and what you stand for.

  • Clarity on Your Vision: Get crystal clear on your vision for your life and business, aligning your actions with your deepest purpose.

  • Stepping Into Your CEO Self: Embrace your role as the CEO of your life and business, making decisions with confidence and authority.

  • Amplify and Share Your Voice on Social: Powerfully share your story and connect with your audience in a way that’s authentic and impactful.

  • Embracing Your Bad Bitch Empress Energy: Fully own your worth and your right to build the life and business you desire.

  • Unapologetic Worth and Wealth: Create the wealth you deserve, fully aligned with your values and purpose.

  • Reconnecting to Passion and Joy: Rediscover the passion and joy that fuel your creativity and drive.

Here’s How We’ll Work Together Over 3 Months:

We’ll meet every week for 3 months, creating a space for you to fully step into your Empress Era. What you can expect:

Group Hot Seat Coaching Sessions:

These aren’t your typical coaching sessions. I’ll be right there with you, digging deep into your challenges and helping you break through whatever’s holding you back. This is where real transformation happens—when you’re in the hot seat, fully supported and fully seen.

Business Strategy & Growth Sessions:

These sessions are where we align your business, marketing, and sales with your authentic self. We’ll dive into business growth strategy, sales, and marketing, but with a twist—I’ll show you how to make decisions that not only drive success but also feel deeply aligned with who you are and what you stand for.

Feminine Power & Confidence Training:

I’ll guide you to reconnect with your innate feminine power, so you can harness it to lead with confidence, ease, and grace. You’ll learn to trust yourself fully, embrace your strengths, and let go of the patterns that have kept you playing small.

Group Mastermind Sessions:

You won’t be on this journey alone. You’ll be part of a sisterhood of powerful women who are all on the same path. Together, we’ll hold each other accountable, celebrate wins, and push through challenges. I’ll be there every step of the way, ensuring you stay aligned, focused, and moving forward.

Personal Brand Development:

Together, we’ll craft a personal brand that’s not just a marketing tool but a true reflection of who you are. I’ll help you amplify your voice, share your unique story, and position yourself as the powerful, impactful woman you’re destined to be.

Monthly Vision & Alignment Check-ins:

Each month, we’ll pause to realign with your vision and goals, ensuring that everything you’re doing feels right in your soul. These check-ins are where we make sure you’re not just moving forward but doing so in a way that honors your true self and your bigger mission.


The Empress Accelerator is unlike any other business program because…

  • It’s about the WHOLE woman: We recognize your multi-dimensionality as a woman. It’s not just about building a business; it’s about embracing every part of who you are. The Empress Accelerator is designed to help you fully integrate your identity, aligning every aspect of your life with your true self.

  • It’s about BEING, not just doing: Success isn’t just about what you accomplish—it’s about who you become in the process. This program is a full identity upgrade, guiding you to step into your power and embody the woman you’re meant to be. It’s about BEING the empress of your life and business, not just doing the work.

  • It’s about holistic growth: The Empress Accelerator is about your complete transformation. It’s a journey of holistic becoming, where your personal growth, your business, and your wealth are all interconnected. This isn’t just about achieving an outcome; it’s about embracing the process of becoming the most empowered version of yourself.

  • It’s about the process, not just the outcome: True transformation happens in the journey, not just in the destination. The Empress Accelerator is focused on guiding you through the process of becoming, helping you to embody your true power, align with your purpose, and create a life and business that reflect your deepest values.

About Lisa Carmen Wang as Your Coach

Lisa Carmen Wang is not just a coach; she’s a catalyst for transformation. With fierce determination and deep empathy, Lisa guides visionary women to step into their power, embrace their full potential, and create soul-aligned empires.

As a former national champion gymnast, entrepreneur, and venture capital investor, Lisa has thrived in some of the most competitive environments. She understands the pressures of the hustle, the challenge of proving your worth in a male-dominated world, and the toll it takes on your soul.

But Lisa knows there’s another way—one that honors your authentic energy, feminine power, and true self. She’s committed to helping you break free from outdated, masculine-driven business models. With Lisa, you’ll learn to lead with confidence, clarity, and purpose, all while staying connected to your authentic self.

What sets Lisa apart is her ability to see you fully. She’s not just here to provide strategies; she’s here to help you become the woman you were meant to be.

Whether it’s crafting a true-to-you personal brand, developing a soul-aligned business strategy, or finding the courage to share your voice, Lisa’s coaching is about transforming your entire life.

With Lisa by your side, you’ll be challenged, supported, and inspired to step into your Empress Era with confidence, grace, and unapologetic power. Success isn’t just about what you do—it’s about who you become in the process.

Empress Accelerator FAQs

  • The Empress Accelerator is designed for visionary women ready to step into their power, align their business with their true purpose, and create wealth from a place of authenticity and feminine energy. It’s for those who crave more than just success—they want to build a soul-aligned empire.

  • You’ll embark on a 3-month transformational journey where you’ll gain unshakeable confidence, clarity on your vision, and the tools to build a deeply aligned, profitable business. You’ll develop a signature personal brand, craft a powerful narrative, and create a soul-aligned offer.

    The Empress Accelerator goes beyond traditional business coaching. It’s a holistic approach that focuses on your entire being—helping you align your business, personal life, and wealth with your authentic self. It’s about becoming the woman you were meant to be, not just achieving business goals.

  • You’ll receive weekly group hot seat coaching sessions, feminine power & confidence training, personal brand development, business strategy sessions, and group mastermind & accountability sessions. I’ll be there every step of the way to support and guide you on your journey.

  • The Empress Accelerator requires a weekly commitment of around 3-4 hours, including group sessions and any work you choose to do on your own. The program is designed to fit into your life while still providing deep, transformative results.

  • The Empress Accelerator is a premium, transformational program designed for women who are ready to make a serious commitment to their growth and success.

    We offer three tailored pricing plans to suit your needs:

    • Empress Accelerator: ($1995/month): This plan includes all the essential components of the Empress Accelerator—weekly group hot seat coaching, feminine power & confidence training, personal brand development, business strategy sessions, and group mastermind & accountability sessions.

    • Empress Elite: ($2,500/month): This plan offers everything in the Empress Accelerator, plus additional personalized support, including monthly one-on-one coaching sessions to help you dive deeper into your unique challenges and opportunities.

    • Empress VIP ($5,555/month): This is the ultimate experience, providing you with the full Empress Accelerator, plus exclusive access to more intensive one-on-one sessions, priority support, and a full1-1 VIP Day with Lisa designed to supercharge your transformation and create a quantum leap in your success. During this high-impact day, we’ll dive deep into your business and personal goals, refine your brand and messaging, and develop a tailored blueprint for building a soul-aligned empire. We’ll also work on clearing any limiting beliefs and aligning your energy with your highest potential. This intensive day is your opportunity to accelerate your growth, take bold action, and set a clear path to achieving your most ambitious goals, with ongoing priority support to ensure you have everything you need to FLY!

  • Applications Due latest September 22nd. Program begins September 25th.

Client Transformations

Women Just Like You Have Leveraged the Power of Identity Shift, Stepping Into Their Full Feminine Power to Create Wealth and Soul-Aligned Empires

“Literally millions of dollars of my career potential have been unlocked. My potential earnings from my career have radically changed and the way things are going is just completely, I could not have imagined it when I started. My horizons have radically shifted. Like instead of trying to carve out $10K, I'm looking at multiple avenues of $10K MRR just coming to me, you know, so my horizons have changed where my operating capacity right now is way more efficient, way higher bandwidth, and achieving a lot more. I have no doubt. I'll be looking back like, wow, I made millions cause I teamed up with Lisa.” — Sarah Marilyn Barrick

“Working with Lisa marked a "before and after" moment for my company and for me personally. I went through a holistically designed, full and deep recalibration on all levels: my mission, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, messaging, actions, accountability, integrity, and, importantly, audacity. The audacity to think big, play big, and get big results. And what is most surprising is how quickly it happened. Over the last 10 years, I've gone through numerous highly coveted personal and business growth programs, mentorships, and memberships, but none of them had THIS level of effect in such a short period of time: exponential growth in sales, getting overbooked, a huge leap in brand awareness, being shortlisted for Female Entrepreneur of the Year—crazy things started to happen. So if you are serious about making a quantum leap in your business, stop everything you are doing, sign up for this ASAP, and experience it for yourself. Life is definitely too short to play small, and this world needs more women who make a big impact.” — Alena Demina

More Client Love


Lisa was a shockingly effective and pragmatic coach. Her recommendations were extremely helpful and specific. I found myself looking forward to our coaching sessions because they were promptly followed by bursts of creativity and productivity, since I was given actionable tools and resources to address my specific challenges. I can honestly say her coaching program was some of the best money I've ever spent on my own career. I highly recommend it.

— Leigh Cuen

I had the honor of working with Lisa learning and deep-diving into the art of pitching and raising capital for a woman-founded startup. When I started meeting with Lisa, I was shaky in my presentation and lacking confidence when in front of investors. By the end of our mentor sessions, I was not only able to stand proud and project with a profound voice, but I was comfortable and confident in my story, my ask, and my fundraising plan to go forward. I was particularly impressed by Lisa’s ability to relate to and help overcome even the toughest decisions—effortlessly. That skill often takes years to develop among mentors/industry professionals, but it seemed to come perfectly naturally to her. No matter how stressed I felt, Lisa made sure I left with a smile. Any entrepreneur would be lucky to have Lisa as a mentor.

— Andrea Seemayer

“Lisa has been a pivotal coach to me on my co-founding journey. From pitching and presentation skills to leadership, every session with Lisa was a time of new insight, useful reflection and growth that I would not have found with anyone else.”

— Mendy Marsh

Lisa is immensely gifted at seeing you before you see yourself, which enables her to help you find your power and move through the world with confidence. You'd be hard pressed to find another human you'd want as your champion, cheerleader, and challenger

— Sally Rogers

Working with Lisa completely transformed the way I talk about my business and the way I walk into a room. She delivers total mindset upgrade not just as abstract affirmations, but as actual tactics and practices that create power and momentum and the confidence that comes with them. Together with the other participants, she creates an environment that is both super-supportive AND super-serious about preparing you for all the other (uh, LESS supportive) environments you'll need to face. I raised more than $50K for my business and hit $100K just after.

— Lynn Harris

“Lisa’s coaching was transformative! She is an outstanding professional with great values. Working with Lisa is fun and very productive, resulting in immediate outcomes from day one. Thank you Lisa!”

— Nataliya Karayeneva

“Lisa was immensely helpful for me. As a woman entrepreneur, I found her coaching to be right on point with the issues that I struggle with on both a personal level as well as business and professional. Thank you again Lisa!”

— Eree Hopp

“Working with Lisa through the years to scale my startup has always been a deep learning experience. She changed the trajectory of my headspace from powerless to powerful, through amazing mentorship from Lisa Carmen Wang. It simply wouldn't have happened without you in my headspace.”

— Susan Bruch, CEO

There is Nothing More Powerful Than a Woman Determined to Rise.

This is your moment to rise, to step into your Empress Era, and to transform your life and business. If you’re ready to build a soul-aligned empire, embrace your feminine power, and create lasting wealth, the Empress Accelerator is your path forward. You’ll be fully supported as you step into your true potential.

If not now, then when? If not you, then who? Don’t wait to claim the life you’re destined for. Apply now and unleash the unstoppable force within you. Your Empress Era is waiting.